Flowers to Colombia CO

With Poczta Kwiatowa® the distance doesn't matter. Choose flowers from our Colombian offer and send greetings to one of the most exotic places in the world!

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delivery in 4 h

Single Plant

Beautiful single plant arranged with love by a designer in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

Hand Tied Bouquet

Our local florist in Colombia selection of the best available mix of flowers, nicely arranged in a hand tied bouquet.
delivery in 4 h

12 Roses Long Stemmed

Carefully selected red roses, well wrapped and tied by a local florist in Colombia. (Vase not included)
delivery in 4 h

Arrangement of Cut Flo...

A beautiful arrangement of fine selected flowers, professionally arranged by a local florist in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h


Our local florist selection of green and flowering plants professionaly placed in a bowl or pot. Locally delivered in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

The FTD Bright And Bea...

Brilliant yellow Asiatic Lilies are surrounded by hot pink roses, pink carnations, yellow solidago, and lush greens in a classic clear glass vase. Everything professionally arranged by a local florist in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

The Sundance Rose Bouq...

The FTD Sundance Rose Bouquet employs a soft assortment of roses to create a sweet and stunning arrangement. Delivered in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

The FTD Blazing Beauty...

Blooming with grace and style, this stunning rose bouquet is set to send warm wishes to your recipient in way that will lift their spirits and have them delight in the unexpected. Fine flowers delivered in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

The White Rose Bouquet...

The beauty of white roses is unchallenged, flowers delivered in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

The Long Stem Pink Ros...

Picture-perfect soft pink roses make a beautiful gift for the lovely lady in your life. Professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

The FTD Sunshine Daydr...

Gorgeous sunflowers are accented with solidago, lily grass blades and lush greens in a clear glass tapered square vase for a bouquet sending warmest wishes and highest hopes. Fine flowers delivered in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

The FTD Birthday Cheer...

The FTD Birthday Cheer Bouquet delivered by a local florist in Colombia
delivery in 4 h

The FTD True Romance R...

The FTD True Romance Rose Bouquet is the perfect expression of love and passion to make this a truly memorable Valentines Fine flowers delivered in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

The FTD Blooming Embra...

Convey your heartfelt emotions with lavender roses surrounded by purple carnations, white gilly flower, green button poms, and lush greens in a classic clear glass vase.Fine flowers delivered in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

The Pure Enchantment R...

The FTD Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet blossoms with brilliant roses in bright hues to capture your special recipient every attention. Fine flowers delivered in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

The FTD Lush Life Rose...

Rich in color and unmatched beauty, blushing rose bouquet delivered in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

The FTD Bright Days Ah...

The FTD Bright Days Ahead Bouquet delivered by a local florist in Colombia
delivery in 4 h

The FTD All For You Bo...

A beautiful set of fresh and bright flowers professionally arranged and delivered by a local florist in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

Forever Dear

The Forever Dear is arranged with colorful assortment of flowers and delivered by a professional local florist in Colombia
delivery in 4 h

The FTD Light in Your ...

The FTD Light in Your Honor Bouquet is a beautifully bright arrangement bursting with elegant fragrance to convey your deepest sympathies for the loss of their loved one. Fine flowers delivered in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

The FTD Loving Sympath...

The FTD Loving Sympathy Basket is a wonderful way to convey your condolences for their loss, professionally arranged by a local florist in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

The FTD Beautiful Spir...

The FTD Beautiful Spirit Arrangement is a light and lovely way to honor the life of the deceased. Fine flowers delivered in Colombia.
delivery in 4 h

Boys Are Best - Basket...

Blooming with sweet love to congratulate the new family on their darling baby boy! A beautiful basket of flowers pofessionally arranged by a local florist in Colombia.

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