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The meaning of red roses is well-known: they mean passion, desire and something cannot be described... more than just fondness, something beautiful and delicate just like flowers. And similarly to flowers, this state needs to be cared for with small gestures. Discover your feelings with a proper form, express your emotions in a stylish and tactful way

Delimaro™ flowerbox – red roses in an elegant black box are a great gift idea for someone you want to give something special to. Send them to your fiancée, good friend or wife. Surprise her and be sure that she will remember this moment for a long time.

Flowers in a box do not require watering. The product comes from the diamond collection series of Poczta Kwiatowa ®.

Check this product with roses in colors:

Another color box:

Availability: All year

c. 20 roses
black box round 17,5 cm

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