
Be with Your family at Christmas! Poczta Kwiatowa® has gifts, thanks to which You would impress Your friends and family.

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Dark and Gold

Poczta Kwiatowa® rozszerzyła swoją ofertę o kolejny owocowy produkt! Dark and Gold jest to zestaw dorodnych, pysznych i świeżych truskawek oblanych ciemną czekoladą oraz uwielbianych przez wszystkich doskonałych pralinek Ferrero. Zrób niespodziankę i w...
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Midas touch

Nie masz pomysłu na prezent? Chcesz zrobić bliskim miłą niespodziankę? Poczta Kwiatowa® oferuje nowy zestaw prezentowy - Dotyk Midasa. W wiklinowym koszyku odbiorca znajdzie polską wódkę Chopin, nugat z orzechami, pyszną czekoladę Lindt, bombonierkę L...
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Set of Jars

You don't have a gift idea? Want to surprise your loved ones? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers a new gift set of Jars. In the wicker basket, the recipient will find delicious Sicilian jams (lemon and orange), a set of honey with juice, multi-flowered honey, ma...
delivery in 2 h

Christmas Magic Bouquet

Want to send your loved ones flowers for Christmas? Not sure what bouquet to choose? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers a new composition from its offer - the Magic of Christmas bouquet. Flowers with accessories were selected so that you can immediately feel the...
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Gold for the brave (ch...

Poczta Kwiatowa®, inspired by the American war comedy film, created an unusual gift box - Gold for the brave. In the box you will find mango and chili flavored candies, chocolate pralines and excellent American Auchentoshan American Oak whiskey. On ...
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Santa's sock

Children are very much looking forward to Santa Claus or Christmas. First of all, it involves receiving gifts. Now, even being very far from your child, you can make her happy with an original gift. Poczta Kwiatowa® offers a sock filled with sweets San...
delivery in 3 h

Christmas star of Raff...

Sometimes you surely think about a Christmas present for your loved one, don't you? Would you like to tell me how much you love her, but you don't know how to show her? Poczta Kwiatowa® specializes in this type of situations, for this occasion we have ...
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Christmas flowerbox

Are flowers a good idea for a Christmas present? Poczta Kwiatowa® believes that this is the most appropriate gift for Christmas. Together with this conviction we created a Christmas flowerbox - Red roses in a navy blue box with a Christmas accent. This...
delivery in 3 h

Composition with a Chr...

delivery in 3 h

Decorated, natural Chr...

Chcesz podarować rodzinie świąteczne drzewko i symbolicznie ubrać je razem z najbliższymi? Gdy jesteś daleko, Poczta Kwiatowa ma sposób na połączenie Cię z ukochanymi ludźmi. Choinka przystrojona w lampki sprawi, że w te Święta, mimo odległości,...
delivery in 2 h


What do Christmas be associated with? With a house full of loved ones and beautiful scents, the wealth of which will be complemented by the Star of Bethlehem. Our florist takes care of the wonderful Christmas atmosphere! Feel the magic of Christmas tha...
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A sweet Christmas

Z czym kojarzą się święta? Z domem pełnym bliskich i pięknymi zapachami, których bogactwo dopełni Gwiazda Betlejemska. Do tego czekoladki i rodzina poczuje Twoją obecność w tym magicznym czasie. Nasza kwiaciarnia dba o cudowną atmosferę Bożego N...
delivery in 3 h

Christmas Phalaenopsis...

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Pink composition

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Santa Claus bouquet

delivery in 3 h

Christmas wreath

Poczta Kwiatowa advises - be positive about Christmas and share your joy with your loved ones. How? There is nothing simpler, more original, than candles and baubles in a fabulous reed with a live fir. Ideally suited for decorating the Christmas table....
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Christmas bouquet

Thank the host for great hospitality, or decorate your Christmas table with this beautiful composition! Our florist did something special for Christmas, which is the very essence of this magical time. The pine made of pink, mini gerberas, pine cones an...
delivery in 2 h

Sweet surprise composi...

Poczta Kwiatowa® ma przyjemność zaprezentować olśniewającą kompozycję - czerwone róże i ekskluzywne czekoladki w eleganckim koszu. Słodka niespodzianka to idealne połączenie czegoś pięknego i czegoś bardzo dobrego! To prezent uniwersalny, który ucieszy...
delivery in 2 h

Thank you for being

Czasem trzeba powiedzieć spontaniczne "Dziękuję, że jesteś". Jest to prezent, który Twoja Ukochana z pewnością doceni! Która kobieta nie lubi dostawać bukietu róż z rozpływającymi się w ustach czekoladkami? My takiej nie znamy! :) Dziękuję że jesteś t...
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Christmas decoration

Christmas atmosphere served on a tray - literally: a thick cypress with baubles and a Christmas candle on a fir garnish. If you are looking for beautiful and elegant decorations for your Christmas table, this is a product created for this occasion! A g...
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Christmas Eve composition

The Christmas headdress will add a festive character to the room. Cheerful, yellow tone, associated with the first star on Christmas Eve makes the composition unique and lively. Send your loved ones magic Christmas!
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Christmas Wreath “Jing...

We introduce you to our favourite. Product number 1 from Christmas offer. Our florists come up trumps! In front of you, the "Lulajże Jezuniu" Christmas wreath can be used as a decoration of the interior of the house or as a wreath welcoming guests ha...
delivery in 3 h

Christmas wreath “It’s...

Nothing is better in the mood of Christmas than a Christmas wreath greeting the guests from the very beginning. Like in an old Polish carol, the wreath of "Merry For us" perfectly captures the atmosphere of a solemn moment: the moment of praising the b...


The memorial of the birth of Jesus Christ, in spite of the winter is one of the most picturesque Christian holidays. Wherever we go, we are surrounded by beautiful decorations, we can smell traditional meals prepared in every house, and in our hearts are only happiness, warmth and forgiveness. It's the time for family, close ones and friends. During Christmas we decorate our houses with wreaths and christmas lights. At the top of the Christmas tree we put a star, and under the tree we place numerous gifts for our loved ones. The christmas atmosphere is everywhere. Poczta Kwiatowa® has prepared a special offer for this time, which will accent the uniqueness of this holiday and make it special. Check out our offer and order beautiful flowers, original wreath or one of our special gifts.

Reviews see more

Very very nice lady, who delivered the parcel :)
25.11.2022 r. Bob
Thank you They are beautiful. The Ambassador was very very happy
25.11.2022 r. Lauren
Very professionally handled delivery, elegant and friendly service. I recommend!!!
25.11.2022 r. Anna
I love this jam.
24.11.2022 r. Maya