Gifts for companies

If you are looking for business gifts, check out Poczta Kwiatowa® offer for companies. You can find there elegant and stylish gift proposals with delivery to the office. Thanks to them, gratulations or Christmas wishes will become even more important.

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Mexican flavor

Gift baskets of Poczta Kwiatowa® are gifts which combine both aesthetics and quality as well as seemingly incompatible tastes. As a whole, however, the gift is an unusual composition that surprises and pleases. A proposal full of contrasts is Mexican f...
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Coconut box

Your beloved loves chocolate? Do you and your loved ones like to try new flavors? Poczta Kwiatowa® has introduced a Chocolate Delight gift basket to its offer. It is a composition consisting of various products whose common feature is the presence of c...
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Chocolate box

No idea for a gift for your loved ones? Poczta Kwiatowa® has created original and unique gift baskets which are perfect for every occasion. One of such gifts is a Chocolate Box, in which the recipient will find high-quality truffles, organic dark choco...
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New Year's Eve basket

Kosze prezentowe Poczty Kwiatowej® są upominkami łączącymi zarówno estetykę z jakością jak i z pozoru nie pasujące do siebie smaki. W całości jednak prezent stanowi niezwykłą kompozycję, która zaskakuje i cieszy. Propozycją pełną różnych smaków stanowi...
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Jack Daniel's set

Poczta Kwiatowa® oferuje bardzo prosty i zarazem elegancki podarunek - Zestaw Jack Daniel's. W drewnianej skrzynce odbiorca znajdzie doskonałą amerykańską whiskey Jack Daniel's oraz pyszne pralinki czekoladowe. Jack Daniel’s® Tennessee Whiskey to wh...
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Gold for the brave (ch...

Poczta Kwiatowa®, inspired by the American war comedy film, created an unusual gift box - Gold for the brave. In the box you will find mango and chili flavored candies, chocolate pralines and excellent American Auchentoshan American Oak whiskey. On ...
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Raven's song

Nie masz pomysłu na prezent? Chcesz zrobić bliskim niespodziankę? Poczta Kwiatowa® oferuje nowy prezent Kruczy śpiew. W wiklinowym koszyku odbiorca znajdzie kolumbijski rum Dictator, doskonałe figi w czekoladzie, szwajcarską czekoladę toblerone oraz w...
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Good, Bad and Ugly

"Dobry, Zły i Brzydki to zestaw prezentowy, który przywołuje ducha przygody i charakteryzuje się zaskakującą różnorodnością smaków. To idealny prezent dla miłośników whisky i niezapomnianych chwil w towarzystwie bliskich. Zestaw ten nie tylko zadziwi z...
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Mountain Stream Set

Zestaw Górski Potok to kompozycja prezentowa, która przenosi nas w malownicze górskie krajobrazy, gdzie świeże powietrze, natura i wyjątkowe smaki tworzą niezapomniane chwile. Ten zestaw to doskonały prezent dla miłośników górskich przygód i wyjątkowyc...
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The Lonely Gringo set

The Lonely Gringo set is a unique gift that includes a bottle of Jack Daniels Honey and chocolate coins, creating a combination of flavors that encourages a moment of respite. Jack Daniels Honey: It's sweetness and gentleness. The one-of-a-kind Jack...
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Noble delicacies

Discover the unique set of Noble Delights, which combines elegance, tradition and refined flavours. Carefully composed, enclosed in a stylish wooden box, this set is the perfect gift for any occasion that will satisfy even the most demanding palates.

Business gifts

Offices are primarily about jobs. Almost everyone visits them at least five times a week to perform their duties. However, there are times when corporations see things in a different light. Examples are christmas, birthdays or even congratulations. Then you look for the right gifts for companies that will be a nice addition to your wishes and will be adequate to the situation, relationship and place.

Office gifts

Poczta Kwiatowa® have created new proposals, which are dedicated to the company. Their business gifts, which were delivered to the office, were composed in such a way that they were not only words but also an elegant and appropriate gesture.

Reviews see more

I had a wonderful day thanks to this shipment you are wonderful :)
25.11.2022 r. Ahmed
Very professionally handled delivery, elegant and friendly service. I recommend!!!
25.11.2022 r. Anna