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Bouquet with lilies, santini and cloves are wonderful, fragrant wishes, which can reach straight to the hands of your loved ones, without leaving your home. Order flowers for your phone and see for yourself how easy it is. Do not hesitate, give me a smile. We are an expert in making people happy, join to an extensive group of our clients and let yourself be seduced by the beauty of our fresh and fragrant flowers today! Flowers express more than a thousand words. Poczta Kwiatowa®, Your online florist nr. 1 in Poland

Availability: All year


oxeye daisies, carnations, santini, roses, fern, greenery

Reviews see more

Fresh and beautiful, nothing to add
11.07.2018.yr Ava
My friend was over the moon with the flowers i sent
17.01.2018.yr Lionel
Dream flowers are just like beatiful dream. Name speaks for itself
07.07.2017.yr Sarah

3 Item(s)

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