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We imagined this floral creation to be as delicate as the sweet words whispered in our ears by our beloved mother. As intoxicating as the fragrance that accompanies her every gesture. As comforting as her embraces that cradle and soothe us. We simply imagined this multicolored bouquet as a sweet song. To hum softly, but to share with all your loved ones.
We imagined this floral creation to be as delicate as the sweet words whispered in our ears by our beloved mother. As intoxicating as the fragrance that accompanies her every gesture. As comforting as her embraces that cradle and soothe us. We simply imagined this multicolored bouquet as a sweet song. To hum softly, but to share with all your loved ones. Your bouquet will be delivered in its own water bubble, the ideal packaging for transporting it before arranging it in a suitable vase.

Availability: 02.05 - 28.05

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