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Our florist offers a fantastic, floral arrangement, in which the main role is played by gerbera and rose. It is a bouquet created in warm colours, which reminds us of the golden sun we always wait for! You can give someone a little warmth today and order a beautiful, sunny bouquet of Złocień. It consists of beautifully fragrant lilies, classic tea roses, as well as gerberas and santini. This composition will certainly be perceived by the viewer as a warm gesture from the person who respects it and wants to give it some energy to live! This bouquet will make her heart beat faster!

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12


rose, gerbera, santini, lily, hipericum, greenery, ribbon

Reviews see more

My Mom was so surprised that she dont know what to say! Her jaw literally dropped. Thank you for help :)
11.10.2017.yr Amelia
Great idea for a gift!
08.10.2017.yr Agustina
I'm so suprised by seeng this flowers! They almost the same as in the picture! So beautiful and fresh......
18.02.2017.yr Sean

3 Item(s)

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