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Bouquet for Libra - Harmony and Beauty of Flowering Compounds
This charming bouquet was created for people born under the sign of the zodiac Libra. Its delicate composition reflects the ability to seek harmony, beauty and balance in all spheres of life.
One of the components of the bouquet are beautiful roses, which symbolize sensitivity, affection and love for aesthetics.
There were also carnation flowers, which symbolize loyalty and devotion to loved ones.
The central element of the bouquet is a hydrangea flower, which symbolizes the ability to adapt and adapt to changing situations.
May this bouquet bring joy, peace and beauty that only life can offer!

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12


alstromerie, hydrangea, carnations, limonium, roses, decorative green, ribbon and decorative paper

bouquet does NOT contain a vase

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