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A person close to you who has died and you don't have the opportunity to attend the funeral? Explain your feelings about the loss of a loved one and express your condolences to the family of the deceased by sending flowers to the last farewell ceremony via the Poczta Kwiatowa®. A gentle bundle of Heartfelt sorrow will express your sincerest wishes on this difficult day for all. Irys, asters and anthracies are a very elegant combination, which will not be overlapping - they will be perfect for a sad celebration.
Poczta Kwiatowa® - we are happy to help.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12


anthurium, irises, asters, greenery

Reviews see more

On time delivery
09.05.2018.yr Violet
Beautiful wreath
25.12.2017.yr Joshua
Everything was great. Thanks
17.10.2017.yr Lionel
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