Delivery Local florist
Delivery time already in 3 h



It is difficult to find flowers that will be suitable for a funeral. After all, they must be appropriate and their colour must be subdued. Poczta Kwiatowa® according to this rule created this bouquet. These white, eustoma and freesia are a combination of beauty and suitability to the situation. It will help you convey every word, every emotion, every gesture.

Poczta Kwiatowa® provides for the delivery of flowers to the deceased's house, church or cemetery at a given time, depending on your will.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12

Composition: buwardia
zieleń dekoracyjna

Reviews see more

18.04.2018.yr Wiktoria
I highly recommend flowers they look very nice on the table
21.03.2018.yr Joshua
I heard that the bouquet was fresh and beautiful. Thank You a lot
18.06.2017.yr Violet

3 Item(s)

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