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"Just for" bouquet - a bouquet specially designed for. . . Well, for whom? Since you have come here for sure there is someone important for you, whom you want to surprise with something unique. Fragrant yellow roses and radiant margaretes, contrasted with red cloves, hypericums and gypsum, create an original composition. The bouquet of flowers surprises with its unusual dose of energy, which comes from the intense colouring of the flowers. The colourful and impressive "just for" bouquet can be in 4 hours at the place indicated by you!

Availability: All year


carnations, yellow roses, daisies, hypericum, gypsophila (baby's breath), decorative greenery

Reviews see more

The best floral post!
19.01.2018.yr Kylie
As usual, the arrangement was great and delivery was on time
17.06.2017.yr Oliver
Thats great thanks a lot!
18.03.2017.yr Jolanta
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