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St. Andrew's Day is one of the most popular days of the year. Make a surprise to Andrzej on his day and give him a special bouquet.
The bouquet for Andrzej is 16 tea roses with an addition - a six-pack of beer. It is a unique and original gift for the name day and St. Andrew's evening.
The presented beer brand is only an examplary. The beer brand may change. Beer can be selected alcoholic or non-alcoholic. It is worth placing such information in additional comments when placing the order. Make a wonderful gift by ordering a bouquet of roses with beer. Poczta Kwiatowa®, your online florist

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12

Composition: 16 tea roses
Six-pack of beer

Reviews see more

Delectable flower courier. I heartily recommend
24.11.2022.yr Kate
My girl loves roses! Great
02.03.2018.yr Ryan
Real bouquet for men, and good beer
17.02.2018.yr Hania
Delivered on time. My dad was very happy with them
30.11.-0001.yr Penelope

4 Item(s)

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