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Our florists have prepared a bouquet with unique flowers especially for you. The Fairytale Bouquet is an extraordinary and very captivating composition of flowers of various kinds. The bouquet consists of an impressive horticulture befriended by a charming tracheliuma, delicate white tuberoses, sweet santini and pastel roses...
It seems to be the perfect delicate combination. Let this most important person fall in love with the beauty of this fresh, charming bouquet.

Availability: 01.07 - 31.08

Composition: trachelium, santini, hydrangea, roses, hipericum, grass, tuberosa, ribbon

Reviews see more

I will recommended you to everyone!
05.05.2018.yr Owen
I love it!
18.10.2017.yr Susanne
My girl was so excited and sooo happy! Thank You so much!!
18.06.2017.yr Alfred
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